
Sample ballot

This is a sample ballot for the Nov 5, 2024, election — early voting started on Sep 20.

Not certain how to vote?  Print a copy of this and take it to the polls with you.

Nov 5 2024 Nland County Dem SAMPLE BALLOT


If you take a sample ballot into the polls with you when you vote, DO NOT LEAVE IT IN THE POLLING PLACE — TAKE IT OUT WITH YOU.

Scroll down this page for a voter’s guide for the Nov 5 election; you can print a copy.

Important meeting on Project 2025: Oct 22, 5:30, Mt Olive Baptist Church

Interracial Conversations Group of the Northern Neck is sponsoring a presentation with Q&A about “Project 2025.”

October 22 meeting will offer exploration of parts of “Project 2025”:
A couple of weeks ago the Richmond chapter of NAACP presented a panel discussion of “Project 2025.” The panelists also fielded questions submitted by audience members. The entire program ran for about an hour and 45 minutes, and it was recorded.
At Interracial Conversations’ meeting on Tuesday, October 22, we will show portions of the video recording of the discussion. We will be joined (via Zoom) by one of the panelists from the Richmond program. He is Dr. Jerome Ross, a professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at the new Hampton University School of Religion.
Dr. Ross was one of Rev. Dr. Tyron Williams’ professors when he taught at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology in Richmond. (Tyron is Pastor at Mt. Olive Baptist Church and a member of the IRC steering committee.)
Portions of the NAACP video will be shown when we gather on October 22 and Dr. Ross will offer commentary. He will focus on the parts of “Project 2025” that address healthcare, education, immigration, voting rights, and the removal of federal employees not loyal to Donald Trump should he win the election.
A time for questions and answers, and discussion, will be reserved for the end of the meeting.
Join us at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, 6749 Jessie duPont Highway (Hwy 200), Burgess, on Tuesday, October 22, from 5:30 to 7:00 PM.
All are welcome!

Our billboard!!!!

This is OUR billboard!!!!   

Thanks to Jim Hendrickson for all his work to make this billboard possible!!!

May be an image of text

You can see the billboard going from Warsaw towards Callao just before you get into Village on Rt. 360. (The other side of this billboard is a Trump sign.)


Oct 2 actions in DC Federal Appeals Court are VERY IMPORTANT

Today was an important day for the 2024 election as well as for the future of the rule of law in the US.

First, the BACKGROUND.  Special Prosecutor Jack Smith filed charges against Donald Trump because of his actions to planned and encouraged the January 6, 2021, coup attempt to overturn the results of the 202o election.  Charges were filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia  and the case was assigned to Judge Tanya Sue Chutkan, one of the district judges.

Trump’s lawyers appealed to the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS), claiming that Trump’s actions were part of his official duties and thus he was immune from criminal charges.  SCOTUS sent the case back to Judge Chutkan.

Smith re-drafted his indictment, making it clear that what Trump did was NOT part of his official duties and thus he was not immune from prosecution.

Now, what happened on Oct 2.  Judge Chutkan ordered that 165 pages of Smith’s 188-page indictment be unsealed and released to the public.

The indictment is damning for Trump.  Smith shows clearly that:

  • Trump conspired with many individuals who either were not government officials or were not government officials in positions that made their conversations with Trump immune or privileged.
  • Much of Trump’s communication was over unofficial means — personal cell phones, personal email, and other unofficial means.
  • As President, Trump had not authority under the Constitution or law to make any decisions regarding the outcome of the election.  Trump’s only role in the election was that of candidate, therefore, his actions as a candidate do not merit immunity.

This re-worked set of charges make clear to everyone, including the Supreme Court, that Trump acted outside of his official duties when he tried repeatedly to overturn the results of the presidential election.

And remember, a little over 30 days until the election, this evidence shows the former president actively and deliberately trying to subvert the will of the American people, betrayed many of the very same voters who will be going to the polls to decide whether they will afford Trump the office again that he so thoroughly defiled.

The MAGA Majority had their one shot at this prosecution, and they chopped off everything they were able in the way of “official duties” to give their cult leader an advantage. But Trump’s criminality outstripped even their ability to stop the tidal wave that arrived today.

It would have been better for Trump and his Court protectors if they had let this go to trial, appealing at the end when they’d seen all of the evidence, and crafting their defenses to fit the actual crimes.

But if it was their intent to keep this from influencing voters before the election, they just made it worse. A trial would have included more than this presentation from the prosecution. And Trump is currently without a defense that directly challenges any of it.

Judge Chutkan knew the score here. This is all about the American public, if the question is whether Trump should be allowed to serve as president again. She wouldn’t send a nurse credibly accused of murdering patients back to work at the same hospital, or any other, without making clear to someone more than herself and her staff, categorically, the evidence she had available that she was able to reveal.

It’s not just this judge. Every other judge, other than those clearly in the tank, hearing Trump charges and his co-defendants’, has spoken about the seriousness and gravity of the crimes alleged and their importance to the nation.

The speed and surety with which the 165-page filing was allowed by Judge Chutkan underscores our judiciary’s own determination that these crimes are to be accountable to not only the courts, but to the public as well.

Read the filing here.

SO — WHAT DO WE DO?  We MUST tell all our friends about this development and how this proves that Trump is unfit to serve in any elected office.  The proof of his lawlessness, his disregard for our laws and Constitution, and his willingness to do WHATEVER.IT.TAKES. to win is now clear.

Here is the lead paragraph from Smith’s filing.

The defendant asserts that he is immune from prosecution for his criminal scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election because, he claims, it entailed official conduct. Not so. Although the defendant was the incumbent President during the charged conspiracies, his scheme was fundamentally a private one. Working with a team of private co-conspirators, the defendant acted as a candidate when he pursued multiple criminal means to disrupt, through fraud and deceit, the government function by which votes are collected and counted—a function in which the defendant, as President, had no official role. In Trump v. United States, 144 S. Ct. 2312 (2024), the Supreme Court held that presidents are immune from prosecution for certain official conduct— including the defendant’s use of the Justice Department in furtherance of his scheme, as was alleged in the original indictment—and remanded to this Court to determine whether the remaining allegations against the defendant are immunized. The answer to that question is no. This motion provides a comprehensive account of the defendant’s private criminal conduct; sets forth the legal framework created by Trump for resolving immunity claims; applies that framework to establish that none of the defendant’s charged conduct is immunized because it either was unofficial or any presumptive immunity is rebutted; and requests the relief the Government seeks, which is, at bottom, this: that the Court determine that the defendant must stand trial for his private crimes as would any other citizen.

Early voting status report

This information is AS OF 5:00 PM, THURSDAY, SEP 26.

As of 5:00 PM, Thursday, Sep 26, Northumberland County had 746 early voters. That’s an average of 149 per day, which is a steady flow of voters. We have 10,004 active registered voters.

Early voting is at the Registrar’s Office, 45 Back Street, Heathsville.  This is across Hwy 360 from the Primis Bank, located in the old veterinarian’s office

Early voting schedule:

  • Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday, October 26, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
  • Saturday, November 2, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. THIS IS THE LAST DAY FOR EARLY VOTING.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5.  There is no voting at the Registrar’s Office on Election Day — you must go to your home precinct to vote:

  • Precinct 1:  Callao Volunteer Fire Department station, Callao
  • Precinct 2:  St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Heathsville
  • Precinct 3:  Fairfields Methodist Church, Burgess
  • Precinct 4:  Wicomico Church Episcopal Church, Wicomico Church
  • Precinct 5;  Reedville Fire Station (this is Fairfields Volunteer Fire Department, Reedville Station — do not confuse this location with Fairfields Methodist Church in Burgess)


Beware of phony “voter registration” scam

WARNING: Elon Musk, the multi-billionaire who owns Tesla and X (the social media site formerly known as “Twitter”) has now set up a Political Action Committee (PAC) that is using X to tell people to visit a website to register to vote.
Musk’s PAC claims that by visiting their website and entering the state you live in, you will be directed to that state’s voter registration site where you can register or update your registration.
DON’T DO IT. IT IS A SCAM. You will be directed to a site that appears to be a voter registration site that will ask for your personal information, will NOT REGISTER YOU TO VOTE, but will result in a torrent of phony emails asking for donations.
The Michigan Attorney General has opened an investigation into this scam and is asking for federal action.
For Virginians, you can use the State Department of Elections website to register or update your registration. Or, better yet, go to your local General Registrar’s office.
  • 45 Back Street, Heathsville (across Hwy 360 from the Primis Bank)
  • Phone 804-580-4655

Lancaster County General Registrar:

  • County Administration Building, Lower Level
    8311 Mary Ball Road
    Lancaster, VA 22503
  • (804) 462-5277

VP Kamala Harris will not win in November without our help

July 26, 2024.  The events of the previous week are historic.  A sitting Democratic President, running for re-election and trailing his would-be dictator Republican opponent in national polls, on his own decided to drop out of the race and throw his support behind his Vice-President.

The political scene in the US changed overnight with the Vice-President – Kamala Harris, a woman of color – suddenly becoming the center of attention in every media outlet and completely taking the wind out of the sails of the Republican candidate who had only a few days before made a disastrous choice for his vice-president running mate.

We Democrats are suddenly excited – a young woman of color who is a successful US Senator, who was elected to be California Attorney General – is now our Presidential candidate.



  • You must vote for Kamala Harris for President
  • Talk to our friends, neighbors, family and get them to vote for Kamala Harris for President
  • Talk to our friends, neighbors, family who are in other counties and states and get them to vote for Kamala Harris for President
  • And do not stop at one conversation — keep talking to them, make certain they really do vote for Kamala Harris for President.