A post-election message from our Chairman

Good morning:

First, thank you to everyone who helped with election day events.  I believe we met all of our goals in supporting our candidates.  We did not drop the ball in the nuts and bolts support of the election process.  There was nothing else we could do, we did not hold anything back.  Thank you!
The fact is that America is in uncharted territory, in countless ways.  History whispers to us but we have no idea what will happen next.
We all have our own choices and decisions to make.  These will be different for everyone.  Don’t judge.
I encourage everyone to take down your yard signs and please pull any signs that you see as you go about your day.  I will work with the sign team to pick up our signs.
Right now I am watching as the media is shifting their reporting to align with this new reality, despite their previous reporting, from as recently as yesterday.  This is frustrating and the ground will shift under our feet over the coming days and months.  Taking responsibility will be replaced with finger pointing. We are going to be disappointed, embarrassed, and shocked for a while as we recalibrate our concept of America.
Again thank you for your support.  Be safe, take care of each other. There will be challenging days ahead.