Why is Rob Wittman supporting Vladimir Putin?

Why is Congressman Wittman supporting Russian dictator Vladimir Putin?

At least weekly Wittman tells us he supports a strong national defense in the face of global threats, yet, he has now joined Congressional Republicans supporting Putin by stabbing Ukraine in the back.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990 the former Soviet “satellite states” of Eastern Europe became free and most of them emerged as democracies.  Putin, meanwhile, time and again refers to the loss of his East European empire as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century” and he often proclaims his intent to restore the old Soviet Empire by bringing Eastern Europe under Russian domination.

World War II did not start on December 7, 1941.  Hitler invaded Poland in 1939; Japan seized Manchuria in 1931; German “volunteers” fought in the Spanish Civil War in 1936; Germany fomented multiple crises in 1938.

In today’s echo of history, Russia invaded Crimea, Georgia, and Ukraine; carpet bombed Aleppo; poisoned Russian dissidents around the world; and attacked US election systems.  Just as the rest of the world backed down in front of Hitler time and again, so did the West spend two decades responding to Putin with wrist slaps, including Republican and Democratic US presidents, until President Biden drew the line in Ukraine.

Wittman and his Republican colleagues refuse to recognize that we and our allies are now in World War III against Russia.  If Congressional Republicans refuse continued aid to Ukraine, Wittman and his GOP colleagues will join the ranks of Benedict Arnold, Vidkun Quisling, and Neville Chamberlain while Putin’s allies in Tehran, Beijing, and Pyongyang learn the US will not stick with someone for the long slog.