The real, very real Rob Wittman

Do you want to see the REAL Rob Wittman?  Then crank the time machine back to October 2022 when Wittman was running for re-election (again) in a re-drawn First Congressional District where he was forced to spend a little money on an ad introducing himself to the 261,000 new residents of Virginia’s 1st Congressional District.  It was a great ad – Wittman hit all the Republican talking points about inflation and the economy while denouncing Democrats.

Wittman was shown as a typical, aw shucks, good ol’ boy, suburban father strolling around a supermarket.

But something was missing from that ad.  Nowhere did Wittman introduce himself as a Republican.

And there was more missing from the October 2022 ad.  Wittman never said he has voted time and again against a woman’s right to choose her own healthcare and that he voted against the Right to Contraception Act.  He never admitted that he supported Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 Presidential election

Rob Wittman has been in Congress for seventeen years and he’s trying to stay for two more.  Let’s see what he does in 2024 – will he tell us he’s a Republican?  Will he tell women that he knows more than they and their doctors about their healthcare?  Will he tell us he wants to outlaw contraceptives; that he has endorsed Trump; that he voted against improved roads, airfields, and other projects in his District; that he will abide by the results of the 2024 Presidential election?

Don’t count on it.

As long as the “Republican base” marches to Trump’s tune, Wittman will march right beside it. And if the base changes its mind on Trump, Wittman will change, too.  That’s what a Congressional careerist like Rob Wittman does.